
Advise and ramblings from a scaredy-cat in recovery!

Blah Blah!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I am so sorry I kinda exploded in the last post, that topic always gets me down. So ya Mrs DDpie is kinda blah lately but I spring back rather easily, so WATCH OUT! (just not today because I'm still feeling blah)
           So Captain comes home from work this morning around 9, and informs me that he will be getting off early because he has arranged a basketball game and meet with some of his staff. Which is fine, but Captain is the type of man who thinks he has told you something weeks ago and in reality he hadn't. (describes pretty much all men)
             And I had just perfected my routine too! I stayed up as late as possible so that I would be sleeping while he was and not walking on my tipity toes to not disturb his rest. He later went on to tell me the rest of our itinerary for what is now today... so it is not 2:39 and I need to sleep, get up, and dressed by 7, then on the DMV to change Captains license, I am still afraid of driving (go figure) so I wont be doing the same. But I would like an ID that says I am older than the age I look. ( I cracked 15 the other month so that's awesome) then off the the state police we go. What's that, Mrs. DDpie is a fugitive? (only from reality Baby) No! Captain want's to apply for a job! Can you tell Captain is a fly on a whim, wing it type of guy?
       Then the last thing is a trip to the local college. Apparently I am going to be attending soon. Unless they have classes from 6pm to 10am, I'm not sure how that is going to work! But what the heck do I know? So we will see if any of these things happen, they usually don't if the word “plan” is ever mentioned in the briefing.


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