
Advise and ramblings from a scaredy-cat in recovery!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

So what is the point? I write and no one, not even Captain has looked at my blog. Thank you one person in Alaska!
Anywhoosle all the things that I read say just keep writing, (if you post it, they will come) so thats what Ima doin! If SCARED-ISHLIST catches on then fantabulous, if not then I still have something to do while Captain is at work right?
That way I dont have to sit alone in the “semi” darkness, eating away my boredom. (which I may or may not have done earlier)
So what have we learned...Captain always tells me to speak up, (he does have hearing loss though) SO SPEAK UP I SHALL!!! although I'm not sure about what, but oh it will be spoken!


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